Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Living in Camelot. . .

So we really have a house!!! YEAH!!!!!! We are so excited to announce that we will live (as of June 23rd) at 31 Galahad Drive. I know it sounds funny to say that we will live in Camelot, but that is the name of the subdivision. The streets are Arthur, Merlin, Guineverre. . . . you get the picture! I have only packed a few boxes, so I better get busy!

David & I will celebrate our 4th anniversary on Thursday! Can you believe it? It really does not seem like we have been married that long. It's crazy!

It has been a wierd weekend . . . . getting to see good friends that are moving far away, buying a new house . . . . all these life changes. I still don't feel like I should be the grown up sometimes : )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the new house! You'll have to send me pics. I saw a subdivision in Gainesville called Camelot and thought of you!

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