Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Heartbeat . . .

Today at my doctor's appointment (David came with), we were able to hear the baby's heartbeat for the first time. It was so exciting! I don't know, it just makes the whole thing so much more real . . . like, this is actually happening! There is actually a little human being growing inside of me! The whole concept just boggles my mind really . . . how God made our bodies to work and grow.

I get these emails each week from You put in your due date and it generates this email telling you what kinds of things are happening inside of you each week and what kind of new things to expect. It always has a little drawing or illustration that shows what they think the baby looks like at the point in development. It is actually really interesting and helps you stay in tune with what is happening inside of you that you can't even see.

But the whole things just felt so much more real to actually know the baby's heart is beating and that he/she is doing well. I don't know there is just something so real, calming, exciting and somewhat overwhelming about it all! Though you can't tell I'm pregnant from looking, after today's visit I feel even more assured of everything even thought it was the second appointment!

Thank you God . . . we feel so blessed!


Jen said...

Babies. I have no idea when that will fit into our schedule. I'm sure God will just over power those "baby-stoppers" if he feels we're ready to take care of another human being. In the meantime, I'm enjoying learning all I can from my pregnant friends & family. :)

John said...

Congrats! I saw your comment on my blog so I wondered on over. This is our third and we're due on January 12. So, if you ever have any questions, let me know. Tell Dave we said hi.

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