Thursday, May 07, 2009

Kinsey Grace-18 Months

Kinsey was 18 month yesterday . . . we can't even believe it!

A few developmental highlights to share . . . she repeats just about anything you say, so trying to keep track of her new words is pretty much impossible. But a few she says often and clearly: trash (she likes to throw it away), ucky (yucky), bird, tweet, Elmo, doggy, cat, baby, hi, bye, night-night, thank you, please, patty-cake, belly, eyes, clap, shoes, all done, drink, juice, eat, and fruit. She still does quite a bit of signing and one of her new favorites is "elephant". And she is getting pretty good at making animal sounds.

Kinsey has been watching her brother a lot and has become quite the little climber in the last few months. She can climb up on any chair, on the trunk behind our chair 1/2 and over the top of the chair, and even up on the kitchen table! If she is quiet for too long, you better find her!!

She has also really taken to being a little mommy. She loves to carry her baby dolls around the house, give them drink, cover them with their blanket, take them for a walk in the stroller or even rock them in the cradle.

She goes for her 18 month well-baby checkup next Thursday. And we are going to try to get some 18 month pictures taken while Jackson is in preschool in the morning.

Here is a video of her singing the Batman Song . . . with Jackson asking to be called "Batman" every time he is in costume, you would never guess how she has learned it : )

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