Friday, April 23, 2010

A Day at the Zoo

We LOVE the ZOO!! So when we had made plans to go today and the weather forecast wasn't cooperating we were all disappointed.

We decided to still go shopping since we had planned to take a trip anyway. But when we on the way and there still wasn't any rain, we made the decision to go ahead and go to the zoo! And are we glad that we did . . . only a few sprinkles to start the day, but then it was beautiful!

Some of our favorites were watching the penguins swim really fast and jump out of the water, getting to see all the big cats, the hippos out of the water eating from the tree and of course, the zoo train.

I asked the kids what their favorite part was when we got home tonight . . . Jackson said, "I liked ALL the animals!!!" and Kinsey said, "Mommy, we go back to the zoo tomorrow, right?" So needless to say, we all had a GREAT time!

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