Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Pregnancy Update

I had a doctor's appointment today and got the results from both my 3 hour glucose tolerance test as well as my follow up ultrasound. She said I passed my glucose test "with flying colors" and my placenta has moved up so it is no longer considered "low lying" . . . . YAAAAAAAAAA!!! Kinsey was super active yesterday and my stomach was REALLY shifting around . . . . and as it turns out she was moving head down (at the sonogram last week she was still lying horizontal). So again more GOOD news!! I measured a week ahead, which I have been for a while now. So nothing new there. I am suppose to go every 2 weeks now, but we will be out of town so I go back in 3 weeks.

In other news, we had small group tonight at a couple's house that have an inground swimming pool. So David and Jackson went swimming. We bought Jackson a swimming vest on clearance over the weekend that will fit him for a few years, but thought he could go ahead and use it tonight too. So he put that on him and he was like a little fish tonight!!! David put a little innertube around him too and Jackson was swimming everyone by himself. He was kicking and splashing everywhere. Of course, we didn't bring the camera!!!!! He was even jumping in to David from the edge of the pool and would go under for a second before popping back up. But he didn't seem to mind a bit!!! Maybe we'll catch a few pictures next time we go : )

1 comment:

Gretchen Magruder said...

whew!! glad to hear about the good pregnancy news - - how awful would it be to be hot and big and NOT be able to rationalize eating whatever you want?!

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