Saturday, April 05, 2008

Kinsey's New Look

Well, we took Kinsey on Friday to get her ears pierced. I know some of you are thinking that we are terrible parents for putting our 5 month old child through such torture for something so cosmetic. But I tell you, she barely cried! And she looks SO CUTE with her new earrings : ) Click on the pictures for a closer look : )

She is rolling everywhere now . . . I don't think it will be long before she figures out how to crawl around too. She already does a fair amount of scooting. And just before Easter, she started sucking her left thumb. I don't look forward to breaking her of this habit or paying for the dental bill to correct the damage done to her teeth, but boy is it cute now!

The many faces of Kinsey Grace . . . . look at those big, beautiful blue eyes! I still can't believe they haven't turned brown . . . .

1 comment:

Gretchen Magruder said...

Kristin, she is so beautiful!!
I considered doing earrings when the girls were babies, and sometimes wish I had - - Sarah Jane got hers pierced last year, and was too scared to change the earrings, so we let them grow back in. If we had done it when she was a baby, I'm guessing it would have been lots easier.

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