Thursday, May 13, 2010

Kayleigh Faith - 16 weeks

Where oh where is the time going? I can't believe Kayleigh will be 4 months old next week!!! She got her shots on Monday at the health department and she did really well with them. And then Tuesday she cut her 2nd tooth! Kayleigh goes in for her 4 month well-baby visit on Tuesday morning and I'm hoping to get her 4 month pictures taken then too! She rolls from her tummy to her back in the crib all the time . . . making her nap times tricky sometimes as she rolls over and can't go back to sleep. I think she is getting closer to rolling back to her belly because she can REALLY crane herself around when she is on her back and tries to push off with her feet. Just not enough momentum to actually roll yet! She continues to be pretty laid back and go with the flow despite all the squishing, poking and over-loving she gets from her brother and sister. And she is so great on her eating/sleeping schedule . . . I have only been feeding her 4 times a day for a few weeks and she sleeps tremendously well (especially for her afternoon nap and overnight). I am so thankful that she is spoiling us!!

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